An innovative e-commerce platform specializing in advanced tech gadgets, including movable desks, futuristic devices, and robot dogs. Serves as a centralized hub for enthusiasts to discover and purchase high-end, niche tech gadgets not commonly found in the market.
An interactive quiz application designed to test and enhance users’ JavaScript knowledge, featuring Multiple-Choice and True-False questions. JS-Quiz stands as a testament to the effective application of the MERN stack in creating engaging educational tools.
Pixel Tracker
I believe that colleges and universities, in general, struggle to keep up with the rapid changes and modernization of technology. However, at the end of the day, what matters most for success in your career is your drive and character. I've noticed that many young developers are giving up because the market is a complete mess, but with that attitude, you won't get anywhere positive in life. The best we can do, with all the spare time we have, is to continuously learn and build amazing and interesting projects for everyone to see.
Here are some of the books that impacted my life positively:
- Atomic Habits (James Clear)
- Deep Work (Cal Newport)
- Mastery (Robert Greene)
- System Design Interview (Alex Xu)
- The Pragmatic Programmer (Andy Hunt, Dave Thomas)
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